Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1st-

To state the obvious. 

Good morning.

Yarrow has grown considerably from giant baby to just giant.
He will be 12 weeks this Friday, is almost as tall as his Mom,
and is possibly part camel.

And the other part Mad Hatter.
It just looks like a Mad Hatter face.
He inherited his mother's love of being photographed.

Goldfinch pair on one of the many thistles-that-I-will-not-pull-up.
The female is just to the right of the male.

Fritha pleased with herself on the milk stand.
Best not to ask.

Yes, that is Amelia standing over her egg a couple hours in to 
the torrential downpour of the morning.... just a short distance from cover.
Again, best not to ask.

Very conveniently placed rainbow-
the pot of gold should be somewhere among the honeysuckle and Irises,
a bit north-east of the Forsythia.

I quite like Vultures.
Aside from anything else, they are very picturesque.
And keep the cow pasture clean when someone dies.

Big welcome to Genesis, this year's buck.

They are far less endearing in moving pictures than still. 
Whisper was mid wallop here.

Late summer has many ratty butterflies;
it amazes me how they can still fly at all sometimes.
You could insert a very sentimental poem about the beauty of the death of summer here,
if you like.

A very interesting squash mix from a friend.
She says they only planted zucchini and butternut, 
but those two are not in the same group so a no go.
And it would have to be a product of last year's pollination, 
so they must have had something else then.

It was really very good though. The flesh was pale yellow to pale pink around the seeds,
but turned green when roasted. So here's to adventurous squashing.

Another misty morning, thank goodness for the cool.

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