Thursday, May 21, 2015


Black Widow next to the row of purple mustard in the garden.
If it makes you feel better Dad, I do keep the rest of the garden weeded better.

Another custom blankie just finished-
this time with the Southern Tradition (yep, caps) of monograms for girls.

Mostly rainy today and a bit chilly. And yet the pollen is still terrible.
I always find that rather irritating.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Thyme in front porch bed

Dianthus in sunny side bed

Catmint around the Tin Tube

World's worst attempt to show the roses around the porch.
In my defense, the pollen is very bad today, so.......
not really feeling like doing more than pushing the shutter button.
The pink is a Zephirine Drouhin, the yellow I need to look up- it has just come into bloom-
the Hollyhocks behind it are blocking the wild Multiflora rose 
that is climbing up the corner of the house.
Hopefully by the end of the summer the bed below the roses will be totally filled in.

Multiflora rose

native Columbine

Unknown rose- cutting from one at old Mrs. Toy's house

Aside from Pollen, nice day-

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Purple Flag Iris moment....
first to bloom here and possibly only bloom this year-
I have many many Iris plants in lots of colors from different family members, 
but most it seems are taking a while to establish themselves.

Oh look who is coming to say hi-

That face says it all.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

It is May

Fog clearing in morning


Funny picture, with faded rose blooms and Rionach's face
Rionach doesn't actually care for the Catmint at all,
she just wanted to be rubbed.

Custom designed blanket I just finished for a customer

Monday, May 4, 2015

Wanted: Instructor in the Art of Being an Artist's Cat

Despite her name, Brighid isn't having any of it, as this video shows- and this is on a good day.